Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Pam and I left Thursday afternoon. We both got Thursday afternoon, Friday, and Monday off work so we were ready for a relaxing weekend with our buds at Dordt. We took the Metra down to a stop where Sarah picked us up. We started our looong drive to Sioux Center around 3:30. The drive was great...when I slept! The times I did not sleep were very hard to get through..no scenery at all, no hills, no phone service. The most interesting part of the whole trip was that there was a tornado warning and we saw tornado clouds. Wow. I'm excited that I caught this shot of the lightening. The sky was almost consistently lit because of the lightening in eastern Iowa.
We got to Dordt and tried to see as many people that night as we could. We got there at midnight, and everyone was still awake!!! YAY!
Friday morning, well, afternoon, I slept in and went for a nice 4 mile run around the block. Then a few of us, which turned into a bunch of us, laid out in the sun!! It had been a while since I laid out...and a few days since I saw the sun! I really enjoyed the time in Sioux Falls on Friday night. Coffee, mini-golf, movies.
Saturday after sleeping in, I worked out and hung out in the apartment until things started happening at night. There was a Saturday night A2 dance party across the hall and I watched Anchorman for the first time.
Sunday morning I went to Covenant church. One year ago on Easter Sunday my Grandpa passed away and it was a very emotional time. To be in Covenant on Sunday meant a lot to me and it was so nice to see some of his friends again--DeWitts, Apols, Mr. Vanderberg, etc. I'm very glad I had the opportunity to see everyone, especially celebrating Easter with everyone.
For lunch a bunch of us went out to Vander Plaats' house out in Ireton(?) and ate ham, salads, took pictures, played with the kids, and drank coffee. I really like that family.