Semester in Chicago

This is my public journal while I'm in Chicago until May. I look forward to sharing the details of all of my new experiences while I'm in this fantastic city!

Friday, March 31, 2006

Hate your job?

I really do love my job right now, but I'll keep this in mind if I ever work a summer at Dordt again!!!

When you have an "I Hate My Job" day, try this.

On your way home from work, stop at your pharmacy and go to the thermometer section and purchase a rectal thermometer made by Johnson & Johnson. Be very sure you get this brand.

When you get home, lock your doors, draw the curtains and disconnect the phone so you will not be disturbed.

Change into very comfortable clothing and sit in your favorite chair. open the package and removed the thermometer.

Now, carefully place it on a table or a surface so that it will not become chipped or broken. Now the fun part begins.

Take out the literature and read it carefully. You will notice that in small print there is a statement,

"Every Rectal Thermometer made by Johnson & Johnson is personally tested".

Now, close your eyes and repeat out loud five times, "I am so glad I do not work in the Thermometer quality control at Johnson & Johnson."


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Mexico vs. Paraguay

Soldier Field
Chicago, IL
Attendance: 46,000+ Hispanics, 1 blonde haired dutch girl
Seat: Section 153, Row 9, seat 14
Really, we could see the players' faces!
Final score: MEXICO 2, Paraguay 1

Random comment:
Remember on the nintendo game Techmo Bowl when a team kicked a field goal? Well, the crowd all had black hair and were replicas of each other. Well, this crowd reminded me of that because there was so much black hair. It's weird to be a minority. It's weird to not understand a word the announcer says or what people are yelling. I did understand 'Olay' though!

The keeper was good with the crowd. He'd turn around and get people excited again.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Canadian Chocolate bars

I just found out a few minutes ago that the Caramilk bar is Canadian! an addition to the already known others: Wunderbar, Eat More, Coffee Crisp, etc.

Check out this site for Candy anc Choclate bar reviews. It also compared UK/Canadian versions to US versions of certain candies.

Also, the answer to the burning question I'm sure everyone stays awake at night wondering, "How do they get the caramilk in the Caramilk bar?!?"

Monday, March 27, 2006

Monday, March 27

Media Kits at work!!! I love big projects that I can call my own.
I was told by Sara today that things come to a halt when I'm not seems like I keep some projects going, keep meetings running...either that or it's an inconvenience that they have to wait for me to come back to meet about things so that I know what's going on. I guess that's how teamwork works. I like coming into work and knowing right away what I can do and what needs to get done. I spent an hour filing on Vocus, the internet media filing program, but I don't mind doing it, because somebody has to do it. Sure, I'd rather just get going on the big projects, but it's good to have little things to work on while I'm waiting for confirmation about something for the big project.
I'm typing really fast tonight. That's nice. So I'll have to take a picture of my cubicle right now because there is SO MUCH going on in there!

I'll have to try to get off work an hour or so early so that I can have time to get out of the loop before 5 for Ontario this weekend. I'm getting kinda stoked for it because I can get more Kraft Peanut Butter and eat a Tim Hortons Canadian Maple Donut!!! I'm also ready to finally be considered an adult terms of bars/clubs. I just want to go for a casual drink with Pam. I'll also see Chad again. It's been about a month since I last saw him, and I'm glad he's willing to hang out with me for an afternoon or evening and even go for a run with me, considering all the nasty things I've said to him the last month.

Two more meetings this week! yay! I love meetings. I cook tomorrow...I have to use up my huge stash of pasta...or I could feed the girls from my unlimited supply of honey bunches of oats....hmmm...

Sunday, March 26

The last leg of the conference over the weekend was a church visit to a urban ethnic church. So, being of the evangelical natured denomination inside, I cheerfully chose the Rock of our Salvation Evangelical Free Church. We had to take the green line for about half an hour and walk a few blocks through a high-crime area to get there, but when we were there, we knew. Color abounded; there were a total of about 10 white people, 4 of them being us.
I'm getting ahead of myself already. We were supposed to meet up with a group leader at 10:45 at the green line train station beforehand, so that we could travel as a "group." That didn't work because we didn't know who our group leader was, and the place where we were supposed to meet was unclear. Four of us just went to the church instead of trying to find a CS person.
Church started at 11:30, and we were there just in time for the party. There was a choir of course, band (complete with trumpet), halleluias abounding, clapping, praise, dancing, "I'm not tired yet" song, kids around, slow and soulful songs and everything. Totally like the New City Church of Birmingham, Alabama. We sang for at least an hour and then the preacher started a-preachin'. He looked like a skinnier version of Montel Williams. And did he preach. The words that I needed to hear came directly out of his mouth. I could have listened to him all day, and soon I found myself outwardly agreeing with his words with the odd "Ummm-hm, and Amen" but I wasn't giving him the constant standing ovation like some others. It was awesome.
I hear that these people make a day of in the morning, church in the afternoon, and eating after that. What a community; a beautiful family. I like that every once in a while...maybe once a month. I don't think I'd be able to spend three hours in worship every Sunday!

We got back to our apartment at 3pm, and I crashed on the couch..ended up falling asleep watching TV. After I woke up after about an hour I went for a nice evening run, came back, showered, gave kyle a quick trim (his hair show hair was "too much" so I evened it out a little) and then went to bed!
I'm doing a paper called My Encounter With an Artist, and I chose to interview a tattoo artist. I was recommended the tattoo shop Cherry Bomb in Wicker Park and I'd find a nice lady there to talk with. I'll get that paper written on Wednesday or Thursday night, the last possible nights...arg...deadlines creeps up so fast when I'm having so much non-homework FUN!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Saturday, March 25

Saturday, I hadn't signed up for any of the morning sessions for the conference so that I could have a bit of a weekend to myself. I slept in very late and went for an hour-long run up north. It was beautiful and felt amazing to finally have a long overdistance run again. I need to do that more often because I can explore the city and get a long run in as well. It feels so good.

I planned to see "Stick Fly" at 8, but I didn't plan very well ahead transportation wise. I left our apartment at 7:30 and didn't even get to the train stop until nearly 8. I would have had to take a bus another 11 blocks from the station to get to the show, so I just turned around and went back on the train. That was disappointing because I was looking forward to seeing the show, but I didn't know if I'd get anything out of it if I was 45 minutes late. On my train ride home, I was "stalked" by two younger boys, brothers. Cute kids, and I talked to them a little bit on the train. It didn't look like they were up to anything bad, but it did seem like there was potential...probably bored kids looking for something to do. One of them looked about 14 and the younger brother, all pimped out with earrings and cornrows looked about 11 or 12. I came back to the apartment and watched French Kiss with the girls.

Friday, March 24

Friday morning after morning devotions I attended a workshop called "When Boundaries are Necessary, Even Liberating" led by Brian Walsh from Toronto. It explored the feeling surrounding boundaries at work, play, life, socializing, class boundaries, color boundaries, etc. I guess I wanted to attend this workshop to see what boundaries would be necessary for leading a group in a church and how to form relationships with others while still recognizing boundaries. I really would like to work with youth/teens in a church someday. I'd love to be youth Bible Study leaders with my husband in our church. Boundaries would be necessary in our leadership. We defined what a boundary is and how it plays out, but also went through Isaiah 58 to use as a guide in reflecting on boundary management....
It was also cool that Brian was canadian. I heard another distinctively Canadian term: "Holy Smokes" from this U of Toronto campus Pastor. Nice guy.
The participants in the class were from all over as well...a good mix of color and denominations as well.

Friday evening, supper was hosted by the Chicago Semester at a church down the street. The chicken was cold, and I felt bad for any vegetarians in the house because all they could eat was potato salad and buns, but it was a free meal. We heard an excellent speaker, Adam Taylor, from Washington DC, and he encouraged us to recognize our power as youth and use it for justice. It started out as a sermon, then ended up as a talk and invitation to recognize our callings as Christians to stand for justice. Adam works with SOJOURNERS, a political/justice based organization in the US. Quite popular with the CS students.

Friday night I went up north to a hair show that was going on. I wanted to see some of the girls that I did a show with a few weeks ago and just get in touch with them again. Also, a Chicago Semester guy was in the show. He had fun.