Friday, April 7
I do enjoy Fridays. It seems everyone is a little more casual, and that's not just their clothes...some people majorly stress out on Fridays, like one of my bosses, but usually people are just ready to let loose over the weekend. It was a good day to get sponsorships for my 10k in a few weeks. I needed 50 bucks to get free registration, and I ended up with 60!
We had an interesting conversation at lunch about different religions. Karen, the woman with red hair (can't remember her name), Karyn, Jan, and I talked about Protestants vs Catholics and Easter and confession and eating meat over lent and stuff like that. Very interesting to hear the difference in religious practice and how we all view our faiths, as different as they seem. We all believe in the same God, but how we acknowledge and worship and relate and express and how often we express our faiths is so different.It's neat to get a different perspective compared to at Dordt, where it's a very universal thing. One thing I want more of this semester is to be challenged a little more in my faith..have to defend it. Ang said one night that this is the first time she hasn't been commended for her faith. She's been questioned and razzed a little bit around her work because she doesn't go out and party on weekends, especially when it was her birthday. She's felt pressure about it. However, she's also at an accounting firm and I'm at a non-profit organization that started as a Christian-based organizaton. I know one guy who goes to the alliance church and I think my supervisor goes to church, too. No matter what church people go to, or if they go at all, I work with people with very good morals and they can tell right from wrong and we work for the common good of Easter Seals but the common good of the people that Easter Seals helps. Great place to work.
I was just excited all day for Blue Man Group that night. We were ushering so that we could watch the show for free. It was very very exciting and pleasing to the eye

The show was amazing. I bet a lot of work goes into a show like that, even just thinking up the ideas...the guys probably just sit in a circle and say "hey I'd like to see a sea of toilet paper around the theatre, we should do that with black lights so that it glows." Yep, and we ushers cleaned up that toilet paper. It was more like strong paper towel but it was so cool to see.
On top of the mindless stuff in the show, there's also elements of educational content as well. I was impressed with that for sure. It almost gives the show a purpose. A social purpose.
We trashed our minds that night by watching Office Space upstairs with the guys. Hey, it kept us from getting trashed on alcohol down at the bars next door...can you argue?
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